Neuer EnBW Schnellladepark mit Solardach an der EnBW City in Stuttgart nahe A8 und B27 (Quelle: EnBW / Fotograf: Endre Dulic)

Expanded EnBW City Hyper-Charging Park in Stuttgart: 14 High Power Chargers with a solar roof

EnBW has put a fast-charging park with a solar roof into operation right next to its administrative headquarters in Stuttgart, the so-called EnBW City. With this location, it is further consolidating the EnBW HyperNet in the highly frequented south of Stuttgart. The location is close to the two transport axes A8 between Karlsruhe and Munich and B27 between Stuttgart and Tübingen. A supermarket and a bakery are also within walking distance.

The new EnBW fast-charging park is an expansion of the existing site. Until now, it had six fast-charging points without a roof. Now drivers can charge their vehicles at 14 so-called HPC charging points (high-power chargers). These correspond to the highest performance class and enable a charging capacity of up to 300 kilowatts. After a 20-minute charging stop, the e-cars thus have a range of up to 400 kilometers. This makes it possible to drive on across Germany to Kassel or take a vacation trip to neighboring France, Switzerland and Austria. The new fast-charging park is now also equipped with a spacious roof. The integrated photovoltaic system generates electricity for the operation of the charging park and feeds surplus solar power produced into the local distribution grid. EnBW operates the charging park, like all of its own fast charging sites, with 100 percent green electricity.

04.04.2023   |  

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