V.l.n.r.: Raymon Deblitz (Managing Director T&B Consulting), Dr. Diana Warnecke (Projektleiterin und Principal NTT DATA), Sven Nuhn (Geschäftsführer EAM Natur Energie) und Georg Schmitt (Geschäftsführer Grid & Co. GmbH), Quelle: EAM Natur Energie GmbH

Pilot project for bidirectional charging: NTT DATA, EAM, Grid & Co. and T&B Consulting launch proof of concept for V2G

The proof of concept (PoC) for vehicle-to-grid (V2G) has been launched in Kassel against the backdrop of the urgent implementation of measures for a secure energy supply and climate protection. The aim of the joint project between NTT DATA, EAM, Grid & Co. and T&B Consulting is to significantly advance the energy and mobility transition in Germany with the help of innovative bidirectional charging technology. Energy is exchanged in both directions – the electric car can not only be charged with electricity, but can also release electricity and act as an energy store in the meantime.

The German government is strongly supporting the mobility and energy transition. However, the increase in volatile energy sources such as solar and wind as well as the growing spread of electric vehicles and heat pumps pose major challenges for the energy grid and its stability. In order to avoid unnecessary investment in grid expansion, smart energy solutions must be implemented as quickly as possible. Bidirectional charging could be a decisive factor for grid operators, energy suppliers and prosumers (a combination of producer and consumer).

Focus on vehicle-to-grid (V2G)

Bidirectional charging supports several approaches such as vehicle-to-load – where electrically powered devices can be charged while driving or in a parked car – or vehicle-to-home, where the electric car supplies the home with electricity. The project focuses on V2G, the transfer of electricity from the batteries of electric and hybrid cars back into the public power grid. This involves both the optimization of one’s own load peaks and the exploration of new business models for aggregation and trading with flexible storage systems on the energy market. The aim is to reduce the costs of grid reinforcement and electric vehicles by maximizing the use of renewable energies.

The project objectives in detail: Congestion management: Cost reduction for grid reinforcement – Grid/balance management: Reduction of peak loads through V2G and smart charging – Standardized controllability: Control of series vehicles via the wallbox – New energy tariff models: Testing new models based on DayAhead, FCR (Frequency Containment Reserve), aFRR (automatic Frequency Restoration Reserve) and time-of-use price arbitrage to reduce charging costs for shared and private electric vehicles – Analysis of the use of virtual power plants (VPP) and energy clouds: technical and economic feasibility and creation of dedicated energy clouds

The Polestar 3 from the Swedish car manufacturer Polestar is one of the few vehicle models worldwide that currently supports both AC and DC charging with its V2G charging capability and is therefore part of the project design. With its 111 kWh battery, the Polestar 3 can, for example, supply a 4-person private household with energy autonomously for up to a week in an emergency. The project partners are working on the development of new business models based on the use of vehicle batteries in order to provide innovative and attractive products for end customers, companies and grid operators and thus make the energy supply more resilient.


28.08.2024   |  

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