Ab August 2023 ist AutoCharge auch an SMATRICS EnBW Schnellladepunkten in Österreich nutzbar (Quelle EnBW, Fotograf Endre Dulic)

From Flensburg to the Brenner Pass: AutoCharge available at SMATRICS EnBW fast charging points in Austria

From August 8, 2023, EnBW mobility+ customers will also be able to use AutoCharge in Austria. This will automatically start the charging process at the existing rate as soon as the plug is connected to the vehicle – without authentication via app or charging card.

The function has already been available for use since November 2021 via the EnBW mobility+ offering at EnBW fast charging points in Germany. Thanks to the SMATRICS EnBW joint venture, it is now also available at 130 fast charging points of the charging infrastructure operator in Austria. This means that drivers can charge automatically at a total of more than 3,400 AutoCharge-capable fast charging points in the EnBW HyperNetz.

After AutoCharge has been activated once in the EnBW mobility+ app and at a corresponding EnBW fast charging point, the function is activated. In the EnBW mobility+ app, drivers can also see whether a fast charging point supports AutoCharge. The app also offers a separate filter for a quick overview. It also provides full transparency on the ongoing charging process and billing for charging processes that were started with AutoCharge. The charging process continues to be terminated via the EnBW mobility+ app, the charging station or the vehicle itself.

08.08.2023   |  

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