Wallbox Chargers S.L.

The Wallbox charging solution is a state-of-the-art system that includes:

An intelligent charger
We have three smart and connected solutions Copper, Commander and Pulsar desiqned to offer maximum charging performance, efficient use of energy and a customised experience for charqinq your vehicle. Adapts to any electric installation, both prívate garages and community or company parking

Charging management
The myWallbox online platform and mobile app allows you to set up and manage remotely your device of charging station network. You can get information of your consumption in real time, regular reports and much more

Powerful charging
Charging with Wallbox is far quicker than with a conventional plug, all of them up to 22kW.

Wallbox is compatible with all domestic installations and all plug-in hybrid or electric vehicles.

07.08.2022   |  

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