The correct timing behavior of fail-safe systems is an important prerequisite for autonomous driving and X-by-Wire systems. Coordinated software tools and close cooperation between Vector and AbsInt make it easier for ECU developers to analyze the worst-case execution time (WCET) of projects based on Vector’s MICROSAR. This proves that the timing behavior of autonomous driving systems conforms to the strict safety standards and requirements that must be met.
The collaboration between Vector and AbsInt brings together the expertise of two industry leaders in the area of security-related embedded systems. The two partners align Vector’s market-leading MICROSAR platforms with AbsInt’s field-proven timing analysis tools. In this way, developers create predictable systems that meet demanding resiliency requirements.
With the advent of autonomous driving, control of the vehicle is shifting to autonomous systems, which take on the role of the driver in appropriate scenarios. During active driving, these systems must meet very strict requirements for functional safety and time behavior. A precise determination of the upper limit for the runtime of a function, also known as the worst-case execution time (WCET), is essential and crucial for proving safety-relevant availability. Determining the WCET is a particular challenge and usually very time-consuming. The collaboration between Vector and AbsInt facilitates the analysis of systems where timing is absolutely crucial for functional safety.
Fail-safe systems are systems that must continue to function even in the event of individual errors or failures, such as autonomous driving or X-by-wire systems. These use cases require a high level of security, reliability and availability as well as deterministic behavior. Vector’s MICROSAR platforms are a state-of-the-art solution for the development of such systems. They are based on the AUTOSAR standard, even go beyond it, and support the implementation of adaptive and scalable software architectures. AbsInt’s timing analysis tools extend Vector’s solution by providing accurate and certified methods for determining the worst-case execution time of software functions – a critical factor in ensuring the correct timing behavior of the system and preventing timing out -Errors.
“Our collaboration with AbsInt is essential to enable worst-case execution time (WCET) analysis of complex automotive software. Together we are shaping the future of fail-safe systems to ensure safety in autonomous driving,” says Dr. Falco Bapp, Manager Solution Management at Vector.
“Good analysis precision requires a precise understanding of the underlying Vector software, which we receive through our cooperation. Our mutual customers benefit from the long-standing, close collaboration,” adds Dr. Christian Ferdinand, Managing Director of AbsInt, added. Additionally, Vector’s TA Tool Suite and AbsInt’s timing analysis tools complement each other to form a complete tool chain for determining timing behavior in all phases of the project lifecycle.