Battery Conference 2020: Speaker: Ferdinand Ferstl, Senior Consultant E-Mobility – P3 automotive GmbH

CO2-neutral Battery Production in Europe – How to Make It Happen?

Carbon dioxide emissions can be considered as one of the key drivers for the development of electric mobility and thus Lithium ion battery market growth. As of today, the focus therefore mainly lies in vehicle emissions during operation, leaving out of scope production related emissions.

The core of this presentation will be the discussion of CO2 emission intensity along the whole Li-ion battery value chain. Therefore, key elements and steps within will be examined, starting from raw material extraction and refinement over cell manufacturing up to recycling.
Key drivers in terms of energy requirement and underlying carbon footprint will be illustrated for a currently established state-of-the-art supply chain with strong material supply from Asia.

With more and more Li-ion cell activities being observed in Europe, accessible CO2 reduction potentials in short-, medium- and long-term horizon will be sketched and discussed in terms of feasibility and impact.
As a summary, potential strategical options and approaches will be briefly discussed to achieve a CO2-neutral, yet economically feasible battery production in Europe.

About Mr. Ferdinand Ferstl:

Ferdinand Ferstl works as a senior consultant for P3 automotive in the field of electromobility. He has been involved in several projects with major automotive OEMs, suppliers, chemical industry, governmental organizations and investment banks covering topics in the field of Li-ion batteries, materials and power electronics. Within P3 he is an expert for Lithium ion raw materials and cell chemistry such as cathode and anode active materials as well as carbon footprint assessments. Before working for P3, Ferdinand has gained his Master’s degree in Business Chemistry at the University of Ulm.

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05.10.2020   |  

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